iOS Interview Questions & Answers

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Objective-C is an older language that was used for iOS development before Swift. It is a superset of the C language, with object-oriented features and dynamic runtime. Swift, on the other hand, is a modern, statically-typed language introduced by Apple in 2014. It is designed to be more concise, safer, and easier to read compared to Objective-C.

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, which is a design pattern used to separate the concerns of an application. The Model represents the application's data and business logic, the View is responsible for displaying the data on the screen, and the Controller mediates between the Model and View, handling user interactions and updating the Model and View accordingly.

In Swift, "strong" references are the default type of reference and contribute to the reference count of an object. "Weak" references, on the other hand, do not contribute to the reference count, and they automatically become nil when the object they reference is deallocated. "Unowned" references are similar to "weak" references, but they are non-optional and do not automatically become nil. They are used when there is a guaranteed non-nil relationship between objects.

The main components of the app lifecycle are:

  • Not Running: The app has not been launched or was terminated.
  • Inactive: The app is running in the foreground but not receiving events, such as during a phone call or system alert.
  • Active: The app is running in the foreground and receiving events.
  • Background: The app is running in the background and executing code.
  • Suspended: The app is in the background but not executing code.

To update the UI on the main thread, you can use GCD's  DispatchQueue.main.async  or  OperationQueue.main.addOperation  methods. Both methods allow you to perform UI updates on the main thread, ensuring that your app remains responsive and avoiding potential crashes or UI issues.

Auto Layout is a constraint-based system that allows developers to create flexible, dynamic, and adaptable user interfaces that can automatically adjust to different screen sizes and orientations. Frame-based layout, on the other hand, involves explicitly setting the position and size of UI elements using CGRect frames. While frame-based layouts can be more straightforward, they can become cumbersome and challenging to maintain when dealing with various screen sizes and dynamic content.

Handling different screen sizes and orientations in an iOS application can be achieved using Auto Layout, which allows developers to create adaptive user interfaces by defining constraints between UI elements. These constraints help maintain the desired relationships between UI components, ensuring that the interface automatically adapts to different devices and orientations. Additionally, size classes can be used to apply specific layout variations for different device types and orientations.

UITableView and UICollectionView are fundamental UI components in iOS used to display lists of data. UITableView presents data in a single-column, scrolling list with optional section headers and footers, while UICollectionView displays data in a customizable, multi-column grid.

Both components require a data source and a delegate to function. The data source provides the necessary data and handles the creation and configuration of cells, while the delegate manages user interaction, such as cell selection and row height adjustments. To work with UITableView or UICollectionView, you need to implement the required data source and delegate methods, register the appropriate cell classes, and configure cell appearance and content.

Delegates and closures are both mechanisms to enable communication between objects in Swift. Delegates are a design pattern in which an object delegates certain responsibilities to another object, usually through a protocol. Closures are self-contained, reusable blocks of code that can capture and store references to variables and constants from their surrounding context.

Delegates are typically used for one-to-many relationships, such as communicating between a table view and its data source, while closures are often used for one-time, asynchronous tasks, like completion handlers for network requests. You would use delegates when you need a more structured and reusable approach and closures when you need a more lightweight, single-use solution.

                        func reverseString(_ input: String) -> String {
                            var reversed = ""
                            for character in input {
                                reversed.insert(character, at: reversed.startIndex)
                            return reversed

MVC, MVP, MVVM, and VIPER are architectural patterns that help organize code and separate concerns in iOS development. MVC (Model-View-Controller) is the most common pattern, but it can lead to massive view controllers. MVP (Model-View-Presenter) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) address this issue by introducing a Presenter or ViewModel, respectively, to better separate concerns. VIPER (View-Interactor-Presenter-Entity-Router) is a more complex pattern that provides a highly modular structure. I prefer MVVM because it strikes a balance between maintainability and complexity while still being familiar to most iOS developers.

Concurrency and multithreading in iOS applications are handled using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and NSOperation. GCD is a low-level C-based API that provides a lightweight and efficient way to manage queues and execute tasks concurrently. NSOperation is an Objective-C API built on top of GCD, providing a higher level of abstraction and additional features, such as dependencies and cancellation. I typically use GCD for simple tasks and NSOperation when more complex task management is required.

Optimizing the performance of an iOS application involves several best practices to minimize memory usage and conserve battery life. For memory usage, it is essential to use appropriate data structures and algorithms, release unused resources, and avoid strong reference cycles that can lead to memory leaks. Using tools like Instruments can help identify and resolve memory issues. To conserve battery life, minimize background tasks, use efficient networking techniques, and leverage the energy-efficient capabilities of the hardware, such as using low-power modes when appropriate. Additionally, it is crucial to test the app on various devices and iOS versions to ensure optimal performance across different scenarios.

Ensuring that an iOS app is accessible to users with disabilities involves several considerations. First, use system-provided UI components whenever possible, as they inherently support accessibility features. For custom UI components, implement accessibility attributes such as labels, hints, and traits to provide relevant information to assistive technologies like VoiceOver. Adjust the user interface to support dynamic type and offer high-contrast color schemes for users with vision impairments. Ensure that the app's navigation and interaction are fully usable without relying on visual cues or gestures that might not be available to all users. Finally, test the app using accessibility features and tools, such as the Accessibility Inspector, to ensure a smooth experience for all users.

Managing user data securely and privately in an iOS application involves several key considerations. First, store sensitive data, such as passwords and encryption keys, in the Keychain, which provides secure storage and encryption. Use appropriate encryption algorithms to protect user data both at rest and in transit. Implement strong authentication and authorization mechanisms to restrict access to user data. Follow the principle of least privilege, granting the minimum level of access required to perform a task. Regularly update third-party libraries and dependencies to ensure that they do not introduce security vulnerabilities. Finally, adhere to applicable data protection laws and regulations, such as GDPR, and be transparent with users about how their data is collected, used, and stored.

Submitting an app to the App Store involves several steps. First, create an App ID and a provisioning profile in the Apple Developer portal. The App ID is a unique identifier for the app, while the provisioning profile combines the App ID, developer certificates, and devices for testing. Configure the app's settings, such as icons, launch images, and supported orientations, in the Xcode project. Test the app thoroughly on various devices and iOS versions to ensure a smooth user experience. Archive the app in Xcode, creating a distributable version.

Next, create an App Store Connect record for the app, providing metadata such as the app's name, description, keywords, and screenshots. Upload the archived app using Xcode or the Transporter app. Once the app is uploaded, submit it for review. The App Store review process typically takes a few days, during which the app is evaluated for compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. If the app is rejected, address the issues raised by the review team and resubmit the app for review. If the app is approved, it will become available on the App Store.

n my iOS development process, I use unit testing and UI testing to ensure the quality and reliability of my applications. Unit testing allows me to test individual components or functions in isolation, making it easier to identify and fix issues. I use XCTest framework provided by Apple to write and run my unit tests. These tests help me ensure that my code is working correctly and adheres to the desired behavior.

UI testing, on the other hand, focuses on testing the user interface and overall user experience. I use the XCTest framework for UI testing as well, simulating user interactions with the app and verifying that the UI responds as expected. This helps me catch any issues related to the interface, layout, or navigation. By combining unit testing and UI testing, I can maintain a high level of quality in my applications and catch issues early in the development process.

Some common design patterns in Swift include the Singleton, Observer, and Model-View-Controller (MVC) patterns. These design patterns help improve the organization and maintainability of my code by promoting modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns. The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This is particularly useful for managing resources or services that need to be shared across an application, such as a network manager or a database connection.

The Observer pattern allows an object to notify other objects about changes in its state. This pattern is useful in situations where multiple components need to react to changes in a central data model. In Swift, the Observer pattern can be implemented using delegation or using Apple's Combine framework.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is a widely used architectural pattern for organizing code in iOS applications. It separates an application into three main components: the model (data), the view (user interface), and the controller (logic). This separation allows for better code organization, testability, and maintainability.

For networking and API communication in my iOS apps, I usually use URLSession, a native iOS networking API, or a third-party library like Alamofire. I create a dedicated network manager or service class that encapsulates all the networking logic, making it modular and easy to maintain.

To handle errors and timeouts, I use error handling techniques such as the Result type in Swift, which allows me to represent either a success case with a value or a failure case with an error. This way, I can handle various error scenarios like network timeouts, no internet connection, or invalid server responses. I also ensure that I set appropriate timeout values for requests, considering the nature of the API and the user experience.

Moreover, I make use of completion handlers or Combine framework to handle asynchronous tasks, such as API calls, and notify the calling components about the success or failure of the operation. This allows me to keep the UI responsive and provide appropriate feedback to the user in case of errors or timeouts.

                    import UIKit

                    class ImageCache {
                        private let cache = NSCache<NSURL, UIImage>()

                        func loadImage(url: NSURL, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
                            if let cachedImage = cache.object(forKey: url) {
                            } else {
                                URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url as URL) { data, _, error in
                                    guard let data = data, error == nil, let image = UIImage(data: data) else {
                                    self.cache.setObject(image, forKey: url)
                                    DispatchQueue.main.async {

This implementation uses the NSCache class to store images in memory, keyed by their URL. The  loadImage(url:completion:)  method first checks if the image is already cached. If so, it returns the cached image; otherwise, it downloads the image using URLSession, caches it, and returns the downloaded image.

The responder chain is a sequence of  UIResponder  objects that handle user events, such as touch events, motion events, and remote control events. When an event occurs, the system first sends the event to the initial responder (usually the view that the user interacted with). If the initial responder cannot handle the event, it passes the event to the next responder in the chain, continuing until the event is handled or reaches the end of the chain. The responder chain helps to ensure that events are handled appropriately and provides a flexible mechanism for event handling in iOS.

 UIView  is a high-level, object-oriented class that represents a rectangular region on the screen, capable of handling user interactions and managing a hierarchy of subviews.  CALayer,  on the other hand, is a lower-level Core Animation class that represents a rectangular graphical region for drawing and animating content. Each  UIView  has an underlying  CALayer , known as its backing layer. While  UIView  is responsible for handling events and user interactions,  CALayer  is responsible for the visual representation and animations of the view.

Handling data synchronization between an iOS app and a remote server typically involves:

  • Establishing a network connection using URLSession or a third-party networking library, such as Alamofire.
  • Implementing a data model that matches the server-side data structure.
  • Sending and receiving data in a standardized format, such as JSON or XML, and parsing the data using Codable, JSONSerialization, or XMLParser.
  • Persisting the synchronized data locally using CoreData, Realm, or another storage solution.
  • Handling conflicts and merging changes if the data can be modified on both the client and server sides.
  • Implementing error handling and retry mechanisms to ensure data consistency and handle network failures.

Protocol-oriented programming (POP) is a programming paradigm that emphasizes the use of protocols and composition over inheritance, as found in object-oriented programming (OOP). In POP, protocols define a set of requirements, such as properties and methods, that can be adopted and implemented by any type. This approach promotes flexibility, code reuse, and separation of concerns. In contrast, OOP relies on classes, inheritance, and polymorphism, which can sometimes lead to issues like tight coupling and fragile base classes

Implementing push notifications in an iOS app involves the following steps:

  • Register the app with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) and create a certificate.
  • Configure the app in Xcode to enable push notifications and provide the required certificate.
  • Request permission from the user to send push notifications.
  • Register for remote notifications and obtain a device token.
  • Send the device token to your app's server, which will communicate with APNs to send push notifications.
  • Implement the appropriate delegate methods in the  AppDelegate  or  UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate  to handle received push notifications and user interactions with them.

To manage dependencies in iOS projects, it is recommended to use tools like CocoaPods and Carthage to ensure that the codebase remains clean and maintainable. One should also prioritize updating dependencies regularly to ensure that the app remains secure and free of bugs. Additionally, they should use code linting tools like SwiftLint to maintain a consistent code style and structure.

Popular tools like Jenkins, Fastlane, and Travis CI can be used to automate the build, test, and deployment processes, enabling faster and more reliable app updates. It is also recommended to incorporate automated testing into the CI/CD pipeline to catch bugs early in the development cycle and ensure the app's overall quality.

The  Info.plist  file, or Information Property List file, is an XML file that stores configuration data and metadata for an iOS app. It contains key-value pairs that define various settings, such as the app's bundle identifier, display name, version number, supported orientations, and required device capabilities. The  Info.plist  file also lists permissions required by the app, such as access to the camera, location services, or push notifications.

In Objective-C, properties can be declared as atomic or nonatomic. Atomic properties guarantee thread safety, meaning that their read and write operations are mutually exclusive and cannot be interrupted by other threads. However, atomic properties come with a performance cost. Nonatomic properties, on the other hand, do not guarantee thread safety but offer better performance.

Swift does not have direct equivalents to atomic and nonatomic properties. Instead, Swift provides mechanisms like  DispatchQueue  and  NSLock  to handle thread synchronization and ensure thread-safe access to properties. To achieve atomic behavior, developers can use these mechanisms to synchronize access to a property, while nonatomic behavior can be achieved by simply not synchronizing access.

                      import Foundation

                      class Debouncer {
                          private var timer: Timer?
                          private let delay: TimeInterval
                          init(delay: TimeInterval) {
                              self.delay = delay
                          func debounce(action: @escaping () -> Void) {
                              timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: delay, repeats: false) { _ in

This implementation creates a Debouncer class with a specified delay. The   debounce(action:)   method takes a closure to be executed after the debounce delay. Each time the method is called, the previous timer is invalidated, and a new timer is created. This ensures that the closure is executed only after the debounce delay has elapsed since the last call.